The New Trailer for The Hate U Give

I’m silently freaking out about this trailer. Silently, out loud. In my head, my voice is booming. Shrill screams and face grabbing ensues.


I can’t wait for this complex story to finally be on the big screen. If you haven’t already read the book, I highly recommend you do so but also watch out for this trailer. It’s a spoiler.

It’s the story about a young girl named Starr who was with her childhood friend when he was shot by the police. They believed he was in possession of a weapon, but Starr only saw the brush he pulled out of his car window before the gun shots went off.

After that incident, the story changes into one about a young girl who lives in two different worlds. One world is where she calls home, but it’s not in the most pleasant of places. The other world is filled with white people, her high school. The only school her family wants her to attend to avoid a tragic teenage existence. Neither of them fit her, but they both define her.

And as she’s trying to figure out everything with her life, she’s also being asked to testify against the police officer that shot her friend. What does she do? Does she speak up for her friend or does she stay silent?

Movie is out October 19, 2018, so check out The Hate U Give on Amazon if you haven’t already.

Who else is ready to hear Starr speak? You can find the trailer after the jump!

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