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Greetings humans!

I’m Simone and I like books. I’m a bookstagrammer and book blogger. I currently live in Central Florida with my husband. I’m also a voracious reader who loves science fiction, fantasy, and the occasional romance.  I read YA on occasion, but mostly adult fiction for me. I also try to seek out stories by people of color, LGBTQIA+ community, and others within my favorite genres.

I’m also a very big nerd. When I’m not reading, I’m watching anime, working on my Animal Crossing island, mastering my cooking skills, or bird watching. You can also catch me walking through my local park with a book in my hand.

While I would love to read and review books for a living, I need to make money somehow, so I work full time as a book publicist for a small PR firm. The books I work on vary in genre, but you’ll rarely see me promote them on my page. I like to keep my work books and my personal reading separate.

A friend of mine once told me that you can’t finish a book until you’ve written about it. This is where my blog comes in. I started this blog in 2016 to store my reading thoughts, but over the years I’ve evolved and changed and express my love for books in various different ways.

While you’ll find book reviews, I’m a classic overthinker. Not only do I review books, but talk way too deeply into the themes. Sometimes I’m reaching. Sometimes I feel like I’ve tapped into the author. Being a reader is a weird sort of life. Reading always encourages my writing, so you’ll see musings, recommendations, impressions, and the like. You’ll also find the occasional recipe, updates on my life, and fun activities I’m trying out.

I seek out my books by either paying for them, borrowing them from the library, or finding them at book fairs or on the street. If the book is requesting a review from the author or a publisher, I will explicitly state so in the review. I’m not paid for any of my reviews. My opinions on these books are my own and are not influenced by the publisher or author of the book. You can find all my reviews on Goodreads.

You may see affiliate links for books I review. You’re more than welcome to use them for buying books, but please don’t feel obligated to do so 🙂

I am currently not accepting any solicited or unsolicited books for review or coverage.

You can find daily updates on Instagram. I hope you enjoy them all and if you ever have any questions, you can reach me at simonelikesbooks@gmail.com.