Feel Good Friday // No. 2

Happy Friday! I took the week off from writing and sharing content with you mostly because I’ve been a little out of sorts. I’m feeling better, but sometimes you need to step away from things and figure out your next steps. It’s also been trying with everything happening in the news, our world, and on social media. I’ve been taking frequent breaks from the Internet because one piece of news can derail the entire day for me. It’s frustrating for sure, but keeping my focus on my projects, my reading, and my personal life have helped keep the mental demons away. Hope you’re doing enough to take care of yourself too.

Song of the Week

This song has been playing on repeat for the past week! Seriously, I’m not a huge fan of Ariana Grande, but I’m always looking for a good pop hit to listen to on walks and basically anywhere else. This is a perfect little nugget of music for me! Funny enough, her new album also dropped, so you might get into that this weekend as well. I hope you enjoy it too.

What I’m Reading

Truthfully, I’m reading a lot! Thanks to audiobooks, I’ve been reading more than I’m normally reading. But now I want to take a second to relax and read an actual book. I didn’t get to read all the books I assigned for October (more on that next month), but I’m currently into:

Vampires Never Get Old ed by Stephanie Perkins and Zoraida Cordova

I know I’m a little bit late to the spooky train and I’m not sure why it’s taking me this long to get into these books, but that’s where I’m at right now. I’m so excited to read Vampires Never Get Old because it features some of my favorite YA authors, but also I’ve been looking for some representation with some of my favorite fictional characters.

A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik

This one will hopefully be the last book I read in October. I’ve been saving it for the end of the month and I can’t believe the end of the month is already here. I feel like time is just slipping by, but hopefully I’ll be able to read all the books I want to before it’s all sand in the hourglass. So far, I’m loving it. Witchy schools of magic, dark magic, and so much intrigue happening. It’s definitely right up my alley, so I’ll be enjoying this as I get into it.

Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyers

I tried to resist Midnight Sun for a while, but I was on such a vampire kick and it being this close to Halloween that I couldn’t help myself. So far, it’s been a lot of Edward trying not to eat Bella (lol). It reads differently than the first books because it’s through Edward’s point of view, so the writing style is a bit more eloquent. Meaning, that it’s not coming from a 17-year-old living in the 21st century, but an 117-year-old living in the 21st century. I’m not really reading this with the intention of having much discourse, but to have a little bit of fun. Sometimes you need to have a bit of fun

Up Next Week

Well, next week is the election in the United States. I don’t know about you, but I’m nervous. And you probably have already heard this from everyone around you (especially if you live in the United States), but don’t forget to vote. While mail-in voting might not be viable anymore, you can still drop your ballot off at an official voting location. My husband and I plan to drop them off ourselves and make sure our votes are counted.

But let’s not think about that for now. We have a few more days before that decision is finalized and one thing to look forward to is Halloween. While I won’t be out partying or trick or treating this year, I do plan on making some fun treats, staying at home, watching some not-so-spooky movies, and knitting my heart out. I’ll also be sharing my wrap up, the status of my TBR, and more.

Also, Simone and Her Book Club is meeting tonight! This will be the first book club meeting and we’ll be discussing A Darker Shade of Magic by VE Schwab. If you want to find out more, check out the Patreon page to join next month!

3 thoughts on “Feel Good Friday // No. 2

  1. Hi Simone! I’m glad you’ve been able to take care of yourself. This week is going to be all about self-care in our household.


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