My First Amazon Books Experience

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I was walking to the train the other day from a bridal shower my sister threw for me. The shower was a great time and we walked around and looked at expensive clothes I can never be able to afford.

And as I was making my way down to the train station, I walked across the Amazon Bookstore that recently opened. Oh whoa, this thing is already open? I asked myself as I moseyed to the front door. A security guard open the door for me and I entered the space. Of course I wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to check out a major brand’s bookstore. I’ve been buying books with Amazon since Amazon was only about books, but now that Amazon is about everything it just seems a little short sighted to open just a book store.

Nevertheless, I continued into the brightly lit space. I felt like one of the new customers walking into Joe Fox’s “Fox Books.” Everything was beautifully displayed, clean, and covered in books. The coffee from the cafe connected to the store wafted through the air providing the atmosphere with some sort of sensory trigger. Paper and coffee; a deadly combination to any good-willed reader.

The entire experience made me think of You’ve Got Mail and the battle for bookish territory between an independent bookstore and a major corporate book outlet. However, there were some obvious differences between Fox Books and Amazon Books.

I didn’t get the vibe that Fox Books was trying to set up. Yes, there was coffee and books but the store was a little bit cramped. Given the fact that they’re right in front of the Empire State Building, they’re getting way more foot traffic than Joe Fox was getting at his store in the Upper West Side.

I was a little squished against some other book browsers. Moms and dads just watching their kids playing on the Kindle Fires. The aisles were a little cramped and not even two people can pass casually without a few “excuse me”s and “i’m sorry”s. There weren’t floors of books where you can hide out and read for hours without anyone interrupting you. There wasn’t a huge selection of novels from every genre here. I didn’t even see an Amazon Books mug! I would have been all over that.

But I think the biggest and most interesting thing about this store was the selection. I read somewhere that Amazon Books would only stock novels that have been rated and reviewed the most on Amazon and Goodreads. If you’re the social reader that reads a good book every six months, then this will be the store for you. You get to see a great compilation of best-reviewed novels throughout all the genres.

However, if you’re an avid reader getting in about 25-50 books a year you might find this store to be a little underwhelming. All the books I saw on display were novels I’ve already heard of and seen. Some I’ve already read. And as attractive as that is to the average consumer, it’s not that attractive for a daily reader.

The other downside of having only best-rated or best-reviewed is that you’re not going to get those hidden gem novels. You’re not going to find the mid-list novel here. This is really a drawback especially since my mission in life is to share great diverse reads and some of those reads aren’t being read by the hundreds of thousands.

And of course, you can buy any of the Amazon products right at the store. That is if you can get an opportunity to pry a kid off the Kindle Fires to see how they work.

There was definitely one plus, though. You can pay with your Amazon account and if you’re a Prime member, you can get a discounted price. You know when you’re shopping for books on Amazon and you see the retail price  with a strikethrough and a discounted price? Well, that’s what you can get to pay here. To pay with your Amazon account, all you have to do is scan a QR code with your phone and then the cashier just scans your phone. I didn’t even take my wallet out once and contemplate the remorse I would feel from buying six books.

Overall, I think this might be a good hangout for me while I wait for the train. There’s coffee and books for me to browse, but it’s not going to be my go-to spot for books. It was fun and I’ll probably go in there again, but I’m not going to hold my breath that this will replace any other bookstore in the world.


11 thoughts on “My First Amazon Books Experience

    1. Omg it was the first thing I thought of when I walked in. I mean, Fox Books is way more appealing than Amazon, but just that scene when they’re talking about $$$. It was like the exact same thing haha.

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  1. This was such a good read. I’m so glad you blogged about this experience. I’ve been dying to see what one of the brick and mortar stores was like, but I figured my experience would probably be just like yours. A bit underwhelming and maybe like I was looking around at a bookstore in an ultra clean, sterilized hospital setting. My reading goal this year is 50 books ( I originally put 80 as my goal because I felt super pressured by other peoples goals of 100 and 150) but this store, like you said, wouldn’t appeal to me since I try to read as often as possible. Great blog post! Really helpful.

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    1. I’m glad you liked it! And yeah I feel you on the underwhelming feeling. It’ll be a good place to kill time but it’s not my favorite. Good luck reading 50 books! Mine was also 50, but I’m having a year struggling to read so I’m down to 25 haha.

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      1. I think my problem with reading goals is that I see all these people with reading goals in the 100s and I look through their books, they are reading MUCH shorter books than I am. Take Nevernight. That’s a 450 page book. And most everything I read is 400-800 pages long. Not 200 pages. So, I think even though I read fewer books, I’m definitely not reading fewer words and chapters. Sigh. Oh well. I just love long books. I guess maybe I could try to pad my books with some graphic novels and such, but I feel like doing that just for the sake of a number isn’t true to what I want to read. Ya know?


      2. Oh for sure! You’re totally speaking to a person who hates reading goals but somehow just manages to challenge herself every freaking year. One year I tried to read 60 books which seemed super ambitious and I did “cheat” by adding some way shorter reads. I don’t remember the plots to any of the novels I read and I felt so bored because I was just reading to fit my goals. It’s not cool. I love myself a long read too and I hate how huge my TBR is right now, but you gotta do what’s best for you and if that’s reading 12 books that are all 800 pages long, then that’s great for you! Honestly I can see some really interesting insights from a challenge like that!

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      3. So much aesthetic pressure, too. Like, it’s so expensive to keep up with all the new books, and sometimes I just don’t have the cash. But nobody wants to “like” a photo with a library read. Even though libraries are incredible resources for reading! Sigh. Oh well. I’ll keep reading 900 page library books and never meet my goals. haha.

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      4. You do you girl! I know it’s really tough to create a photo everyone would like! I was really skeptical about reading books on my kindle but for some strange reason, those pics did really well! I wish I knew the formula for a great Instagram photo hah

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